If you have Satellite Navigation you need to head for Wilsthorpe. The postcode is YO15 3QN. When you get near do not go to Wilsthorpe, follow signs for the Park and Ride, the South Shore Holiday Park is right next to it.
The chalet itself is next to the site office. Drive into the park and continue straight ahead. When you see the Site Office on your right turn next right then right again before the tennis court. This is quite narrow if cars are parked, go straight down and you will see the white side of the chalet straight in front of you. It is OK to park on the grass.
You need to visit the office and let them know that you are guests at 146. This is a requirement of the local council who have threatened to close the park when it was discovered some people were using chalets as their only residence. It is also a Health and Safety matter, and also would help to find you if your family or friends needed to contact you in an emergency. Guests may be asked to leave by the owners of the holiday park if they fail to sign in.
The water is drained off in the winter months. If you visit in the winter you may need to turn the water supply back on. Outside there are 2 drain taps in the box under the kitchen window. Please close these before opening the stop tap which is in the bathroom to the the left of the toilet seat.
Again, in Winter, you may need to close off the water supply to prevent frost damage. Before leaving please drain down the water by turning the stop tap to off and opening all taps including the ones outside. Please leave radiators on at the frost guard setting and turn the immersion heater OFF.
All guests staying at Carol's Chalet MUST agree to the Terms and Conditions. Anyone breaking the contract by disregarding the Terms and Conditions will forfeit the Breakage Deposit and may be asked to leave.